Life Path Inquiry

Life Path Inquiry

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 One of my favorite ways to greet someone new is:

"Hello, it's nice to finally meet you. Would you like me to tell you a few things about your Life Path, you may subconsciously feel, but not know yet?" 

I'm a Twin. Imagine one twin doing the work to discover their Life Path and place on this planet.

And the other, floating along... hoping their best life magically happens to them.

Who has more regrets at the end of their life? Which path would you choose?

Below are the 5 Steps for how I use Tarot, Astrology, and Numerology to help people find their Life Path.

Step 1. Understand your Why

We could keep going along, blind to what our soul is telling us.

But for how long? Another year, another decade?

What is your Why for discovering your Life Path?

Here is a small list of my Why:

-I was divorced at 30.

-My parent's are in declining health in their 70's.

-When my kids are 30 years old, I'll be in my 70's. 

- I have a gnawing fear of regret when I am 85 years old. 

Step 2. Discover who you are, really.

Ignore the Memes that make you think your Zodiac Sun Sign is all you ever need to know about someone.

The average Astrology Chart has over 50 different aspects on it, each as important as your sun sign.

I can't believe I was 30 when I first saw my entire chart and learned what it meant for who i was at my core.

I believe you Astrology charts should be given at birth. I completed both of our kids charts and reports before they left the hospital.

Step 3. How do you Vibrate with the world?

Ever meet someone you immediately connect with?

Ever meet someone you immediately don't like for no reason?

Ever feel relaxed in a new City or a new House?

That's all Numerology. I like to create and read over 50 page reports detailing how your name and birthday create your vibrations. 

Step 4. How do you balance these Internal and External urges and pressures?

A successful Life Path objectively identifies and balances all of the energies pulling you in different directions. This is where me, as a 3rd party, really helps to call out these energies through a Tarot Card reading and an Astrology chart reading. 

The Tarot is set up for your Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels, to help you rise above the earthly plane and connect with your true Life Path. 

This step takes me hours of reading and sitting with your energies from Steps 1-3 before I can complete a Tarot and Astrology reading for you on your Life Path.

Step 5. Take the first steps down your path.

Let's Go! This doesn't always mean a wholesale life change day 1.

It could be a habit or ritual added to your day to get you started down the right Life Path for you. Or some focus on a calling or passion you could name in asked. 

After feedback and discussion with you, I will share the steps you could take day 1 to start down your new Life Path.

Ready to start a conversation? 

Click below to start a conversation about where you are and how I might be able to help you discover your Life Path. 

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